Your service is being transferred to your new device or SIM. During this process, your current phone will still work. While you are waiting, please review the steps below. You will need to follow the steps to complete the transfer.
Service transfer may take a few hours to complete. In some cases, it could take as long as 2 business days. During this time, your current phone will still work.
After your phone stops working:
- Turn it OFF and remove the old SIM card.
- Insert the new SIM.
- Turn your phone ON.
- Make a call.
- If the call does not connect, wait a few minutes, then reboot your phone and try again.
Once your phone is working, you may receive a text message to update your data settings. If your data does not work, text APN to 611611.
You will need to set up voicemail again on your phone. For instructions, text Voicemail to 611611.
To make calls over Wi-Fi, go to your phone’s settings and enable the Wi-Fi Calling feature. (You may also need to tap on Wi-Fi Calling.) Select the option to Update E911 address, then follow the prompts.
Service transfer may take a few hours to complete. In some cases, it could take as long as 2 business days. During this time, your current phone will still work.
After your phone stops working:
- Turn it OFF and remove the old SIM card.
- Insert the new SIM.
- Turn your phone ON.
- Make a call.
- If the call does not connect, wait a few minutes, then reboot your phone and try again.
Once your phone is working, you may receive a text message to update your data settings. If your data does not work, text APN to 611611.
You will need to set up voicemail again on your phone. For instructions, text Voicemail to 611611.
To make calls over Wi-Fi, go to your phone’s settings and enable the Wi-Fi Calling feature. (You may also need to tap on Wi-Fi Calling.) Select the option to Update E911 address, then follow the prompts.
Sorry; the card number was not found in our records. The SIM number begins with 89. Please try again.
Sorry; those 4 digits do not match our records. Please review the number and try again.
To watch a video about how to insert the SIM card in your device, please click hereOpens in a new tab.